De très, très, très vieux livres exposés à LCC

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La bibliothèque juive de Montréal offre des ateliers pour présenter des livres anciens. Ceci a permis aux élèves de pouvoir toucher, sentir et lire des livres du XVe au XVIIe siècle.

Voici des commentaires des élèves

Aujourd’hui, nous avons eu le privilège d’interagir avec des bibliothécaires du JPL.C’était très intéressant et j’ai appris beaucoup sur des livres anciens.

Aujourd’hui nous sommes allés écouter deux personnes qui travaillent à une bibliothèque publique juive. Après leur présentation, nous avons mis des gants de protection pour prendre soin des livres, nous les avons touchés et regardés avec attention.

Ce matin, j’ai touché une partie de l’évolution intellectuelle des humains!

Lorsque j’ai regardé les vieux livres, j’ai compris que j’étais en train de toucher l’histoire, et cela était une expérience mémorable. C’était “extraspécial” pour moi, car la plupart des livres étaient écrits par des juifs et/ou sur des histoires juives.

C’était un honneur d’être capable de regarder et de toucher ces livres.

C’était très intéressant de voir et toucher des livres anciens. Maintenant je sais comment la première machine à imprimer a changé la vie et la technologie.

Je ne savais pas qu’il existait des livres aussi vieux. On a parlé des premières machines à imprimer l’année dernière en classe alors c’était incroyable de pouvoir voir des livres qui ont été faits avec une de ces machines, ou juste écrits à la main.

J’ai trouvé cette période très amusante et intéressante. Je crois que c’est extraordinaire que ces livres soient encore intacts.

J’ai aimé voir ces livres si vieux en personne. L’exposition était aussi intéressante, car il y a avait des livres juifs tandis que les livres que nous avions étudiés en classe étaient chrétiens.

Regarder des livres d’une autre époque était très intéressant. Une des choses que j’ai trouvées cool c’étaient que nous étions capable de toucher des livres qui ont plus d’une centaine années.

On a eût la chance de voir des livres magnifiques, et on était même capables de les toucher. Notre leçon parlait aussi de comment la machine à imprimer a changé le monde.

Les livres ont été très intéressants parce que c’est évident que les informations dans ces livres ont été très utiles dans le passé. Cela m’a permis  de prendre une pause pour réfléchir sur les moyens que j’utilise pour trouver des informations et comment ils ont changé au fil du temps.

J’ai beaucoup apprécié l’expérience d’observer les livres. C’était très intéressant et spécial de penser que ces objets, que nous avons touchés et regardés, ont été fabriqués il y a des centaines d’années.

La chose le plus spéciale à mon avis, était de savoir que les livres que je tenais étaient touchés, utilisés, et lus par des personnes qui vivaient des centaines d’années dans le passé.

J’ai aimé voir les livres anciens, c’était très intéressant pour moi de voir les livres en ancien hébreux. J’ai essayé de les lire, mais les lettres anciennes sont différentes de celles du présent.


Learning in the Global Classroom: LCC’s First Middle School Model UN

2015_16_LCC_Model_UN_037Model UN is an exciting and engaging club in which students simulate meetings at the
United Nations.

We are proud to announce that the first Model UN for Middle School was held at LCC. It was expertly organized and run by grade 12 student Lydia Barrios and grade 10 student Adam Vandenbussche. We would also like to thank Ms. Lamantia who organized the Senior School LCC Model UN.

Last Saturday, Middle School students took on the role of ambassadors, debated the European migrant crisis and drafted resolutions. Prior to the conferences, students conducted extensive research on the country they represented.

Here are a few comments:

The Model UN program is certainly an excellent way for Middle School students to discuss international conflicts and come up with resolutions for them as a group. Overall, it was a great experience, and I would be glad to participate in the Middle School Model UN again. – Domenico D’Amico ‘20

Le Model UN a été très amusant et une expérience très intéressante. J’ai appris beaucoup sur mon pays ainsi que le fonctionnement du Model UN. I enjoyed it very much and I am looking forward to other conferences. – Andrew Fata ‘19

Our Model UN conference was completely different from what I thought it would be. You don’t actually realize how many factors involve your stance on the resolution until you are actually in the conference. – Andrew Vandenbussche ‘19

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Procès simulé du 13 janvier 2016 : Palais de justice de Montréal

P9990126Mercredi 13 janvier 2016, les classes de droit de 10 et de 11 années sont allées au Palais de justice de Montréal afin de faire un procès criminel simulé. Nous avons eu la chance d’être accueillis par le Juge André Perreault et son adjointe, madame Masson.

Nous remercions aussi Me. Shadley ainsi que Catherine Goyette et Arianne Vanasse, deux étudiantes en droit qui ont travaillé avec les élèves lors de la   préparation du procès en leur offrant de précieux conseils.

Je tiens aussi à remercier les familles qui sont venues écouter et encourager les élèves. Ceci est toujours très apprécié.

Voici quelques commentaires :

Il y a quelques jours, les classes de 10e et de 11e années, dirigées par M. Maurice, ont eu l’opportunité de prendre part à un procès simulé au Palais de justice au centre-ville. C’était une expérience spectaculaire et une belle occasion d’apprentissage. Non seulement nous étions debout dans une vraie cour, mais nous plaidions également devant un vrai juge. I really enjoyed playing the role of the accused. It was nerve racking at times during cross- examinations, but the experience ultimately made it a lot of fun. – Ryan Hawa ’16

It was very educational to be in a real courtroom as opposed to just being in class. It gave me a better perspective on what it is like to be a lawyer. J’ai trouvé que cette expérience était très amusante et j’aimerais le refaire. – Evelyne Renzi ’16

Mercredi dernier, notre classe de droit a passé une demi-journée au Palais de justice. Cette expérience avec un vrai juge et une visite du bâtiment était informative ainsi qu’amusante. À la fin du procès, le juge nous a parlé des conséquences d’envoyer des gens en prison. L’expérience a été très intéressante. – Christina Papageorgakopoulos ’16

Mon expérience au Palais de justice s’est très bien passée. C’était très impressionnant et amusant de voir tous les différents aspects du palais de justice qui m’on fait penser au droit comme emploi dans le futur. – Adam Mahrouse ’17

I really enjoyed going to the Palais de justice and thought it was a worthwhile experience. It’s one thing to memorize facts, but it’s totally different when the judge starts asking you questions and you have to think on your feet. It really makes you feel like you’re in a real trial and I think I learned a lot from it. – Andrew Black ’17

Mon experience au Palais de justice était très excitante. J’ai appris énormément, j’ai eu le privilège de rentrer dans une salle de cours, et prétendre être un avocat! C’était incroyable d’avoir la chance de rencontrer un vrai juge et de participer à un procès avec lui. – Ryan Garber ’17

J’ai beaucoup aimé l’expérience au Palais de justice et je l’ai trouvé très intéressant. J’ai appris beaucoup de nouvelles choses sur le fonctionnement de notre système judicaire et sur ce qu’on doit faire pour être avocat, ça n’a rien à voir avec la télé! – Guiliano Latella ’17


It’s About the Journey!

2015_16_MS_Holiday_Concert_020As our high school students prepare for exams we should all be reflecting on the journey that every student has experienced since we first gathered in late August. It’s a journey of learning and personal growth with a notable impact on mind, body and heart.

This morning I asked each Middle and Senior School student to reflect on their own personal journey – asking, what it has looked like and how it has felt?

Since September each student has gained new knowledge in various subjects. They’ve completed projects, in groups or alone, honed special technology skills, become better critical thinkers. They’ve all certainly experienced proud moments of achievement as well as difficult periods of frustration. I hope they are all learning how to handle both ends of the emotional spectrum well.

On this learning journey teachers have pushed and pulled, challenged and often inspired. Every student’s development and growth is complicated. Yet, as one parent recently declared after an evening of parent-teacher meetings, LCC teachers are “caretakers”. She was very thankful that our teachers are so supportive of our students.

Some of our students are quiet by nature, while some like to speak a lot and are still working on becoming better listeners. All have drawn on their capacity for creativity in their courses, but especially in developing what are called “Studio Habits of Mind” in Art, Drama, Music and Digital Media. This is the capacity to create, refine and improve work. In essence, they are developing skills for personal and academic resilience.

Pride is something we talk about a lot here – and it has often been on display in the classroom and in our many co-curricular activities.

For a large percentage of our students, athletics is a key aspect of the journey and involvement at school. With a focus on fitness, skill development and competition, most students have navigated dozens of practices, demanding coaches and high expectations.

Some teams won league banners while others fell short. However, the highs and lows of athletic competition have been an important part of their personal experience, providing many memorable learning moments.

Beyond sports, LCC students have been very engaged in many interesting activities. Dozens were Open House Ambassadors or hosts for “Student for a Day” events. They have stepped up as members of their Houses, iPride in Middle School, Grad Pride in Senior School as well as Student Council.

The journey has included debating competitions, Model UN, participation in the Destiny Quebec organizing team, Green Team, Yearbook, LCC Reads, Amnesty International, Duke of Edinburgh, Round Square, LCC TV, The Wire, Robotics, Movember, and roles as delegates to leadership conferences in Canada and Singapore. And of course they have all participated in a wide array of service initiatives across this city.

Our students prepared diligently for Monday night’s wonderful Holiday Concert and many are preparing the upcoming Middle and Senior School plays slated for the winter.

So yes, students should prepare well for their exams. But let’s remember, much of what they do here that is important has no exam at all, but does certainly test them. Clubs, activities, various inter-school competitions and performance opportunities are an integral part of personal and character development.

Since August each of our students has been on a marvelous journey. They have exerted a lot of effort, discovered some hidden talents, grown and matured. They should take genuine pride in that. No test or exam required!

Happy & safe holidays!
Chris Shannon – Headmaster

Student Exchange: Week 1 – My Thai School Experience

IMG_1679Friday, February 20 was my date of departure from Montreal to Pattaya, Thailand. I could hardly contain my excitement during dinner with my family earlier that night. I was driving my mother crazy by talking and acting like I had drank ten cups of coffee! I am still consumed by my passion for planes, although a bit less than when I was younger; when I wanted to quit school to become a pilot to fly all over the world, so the thought of flying alone on an airplane was very exciting.

After a long twelve-hour flight to Doha, a three-hour layover, a six-hour flight to Bangkok, and an hour and a half drive to Pattaya, I arrived to an empty school, with an empty stomach. After a snack, the head of boarding, Mr. James Grey, told me that the boarders were still on break, and they were going to come back in a couple of hours, before supper (6 pm). After learning that, I fell asleep, as it was 4:00 am in Montreal, and I hadn’t slept in a day.

I woke up to all the boarders and my roommate Osman returning. The Regent’s School Pattaya consists of 100 boarders (boys and girls from year 1 to year 12 (kindergarten to grade 11 in Canada)), and 900 non-boarders.

At dinner (and breakfast and lunch), we had the choice of Thai food or Western food. Of course I opted for the Thai food because I wanted a taste of what I spent a day travelling for.

My year (year 10, which is grade 9) consists of mostly Russian, Thai and British kids. I was the only Canadian in a grade of 100 kids. Everyone greeted me and treated me well on my first day, and if I got lost, there was always someone to show me around. They are also one year ahead of us, because next year (our grade 10 and their year 11) we get to choose our courses, and we have career fair. They do it this year.

The rest of the school days were uneventful as my schedule consisted of:

6:45 am – Wake up and complain to Osman that it’s too early to wake up!
7:20 am – Eat breakfast
8:20 am – School
3:30 pm – Go back to boarding
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm – Homework
6:00 pm – Dinner
10:00 pm – Lights out and complain to Osman that it’s too early to go to bed!

On Friday nights, the boarders go to Central – a big six-floor mall in downtown Pattaya. It is so large I would have gotten lost if I had been by myself!

On Saturday we got to sleep in until 9 am (yay!), then we went for a fifteen-kilometer bike ride to Horseshoe point, and went swimming there.

On Sunday we got to sleep in until whenever we wanted to (yay!), so I slept in until noon. Sunday is a relax day, so I spent all day with my friends having fun.

Some facts that you should know before coming here:

  • Soccer is football
  • Supper is dinner
  • We are allowed phones in class
  • Spicy for Thai people is killer spicy for normal people
  • Thai people drive on the wrong side of the road – or do we drive on the wrong side…
  • There are a lot of motorcycles
  • Water is non-potable, so you must buy water bottles which are very cheap: 10 baht ($ 0.39)

So far, Thailand has more than lived up to what I expected it to be in terms of people, food and how can I forget about the temperature? It is always around 30˚C – 35˚C, but it feels much warmer with the humidity and in the sun. I bet everyone in Montreal is jealous. Thailand is amazing and I can’t wait until this Saturday, when we are going paintballing! – Eli Samuel ’17, Exchange Student at Regents International School Pattaya