Le blog du MS Pride: Candy Grams Support Madagascar in My Heart

Blog_MSPride_CandyGramsAs the Activities Heads for Middle School Pride this year, Alyssa Obrand ’16 and Julia Garfinkle ’16 have been quite successful with the activities held so far. In total, $275 was raised after the Halloween candy raffle, the knockout tournament, the Halloween costume contest and the Halloween episode of “Modern Family” that was shown at lunch recess.

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, an activity called “Candy Grams” is being held this week. Candy grams are notes that are bought by Middle School students for the purpose of writing a message to another student of their choice in grades 7 and 8. The notes can be anonymous (or not). They cost $1 each and attached to the note is a piece of chocolate! All money raised will be sent to the foundation Madagascar in My Heart, along with the money collected from previous activities, to bring educational opportunities to underprivileged children of Madagascar and help brighten their future.

À ce jour, notre expérience de leadership a été magnifique. C’est un excellent apprentissage. Nous sommes très fières des efforts investis pour faire les activités et de l’argent collecté pour cette fondation. Nous croyons que nous faisons un bon travail tout en maintenant l’intérêt des étudiants et en créant des activités amusantes et originales. C’est un privilège d’avoir la chance d’améliorer les expériences des étudiants du Middle School.

Nous espérons planifier les activités suivantes: vente de biscuits, plusieurs activités dans le gymnase, projection de nombreux films et plein d’autres encore!

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions of activities you would like us to plan in the near future, please do not hesitate to contact either one of us by sending us an email at [email protected] or [email protected]!

Merci! Thank you! We look forward to hearing any thoughts or ideas on how to make your Middle School experience more fun and enjoyable!

Middle School Pride: Connecting with Saint Andrew’s School, Florida

A few weeks ago at a Middle School Pride meeting, Ms. Mazzella and M. Maurice set up a video conference with Saint Andrew’s School in Florida.  The purpose of contacting these students was to introduce ourselves to another Junior Round Square school involved in raising money for the Madagascar In My Heart foundation.

We talked about the weather, the daily life at LCC and simply took the time to find out about each other. We explained how we don’t live in igloos in Canada, and that yes, we play hockey. The most interesting part of the chat was to hear about their initiatives towards Madagascar In My Heart. The students raised $2,000 alone on a weekly snack bar set up by their committee every week.

Our goal in Middle School Pride is to raise $500 by the holiday break, and we are well on our way! We explained to them about our knockout tournament and our Halloween candy raffle, and they did the same by telling us about their ideas and future projects. It was a great experience, that was done in the classroom, and to think that we can share ideas with other schools around the world through technology is motivating! I’m looking forward to chatting with them again in December. –Christina Papageorgakopoulos ’16

Le blog du MS Pride. Le journal étudiant.

After two months of being The Wire head, I have realized the challenges of my responsibility. I have numerous plans for the upcoming weeks before the winter break, and they’re all going full force as of this week. Zoe Doyle ’16, Rebecca Ross ’16 and I have planned a community service opportunity at the Grace Dart retirement home, which will take place on December 1, 2012. A group of grade 8 students, who are enrolled in LCC’s band program, have signed up with me to play a few pieces of music for the residents at the retirement home.

Un autre projet sur lequel je travaille est un café équitable qui aidera la fondation « Madagascar In My Heart ». C’est une fondation qui aide les enfants à Madagascar pour aller à l’école, car c’est trop cher pour les familles. Alors, à LCC durant le mois de décembre, Ryan Hawa et moi allons vendre du chocolat chaud, du café, du thé et des muffins aux bananes cuisinés par les élèves de Middle School Pride. Je pense que ce projet va prendre beaucoup de temps car il y a beaucoup d’étapes à faire.

Soon, there will be posters around LCC advertising this café, so be on the lookout! Also, I’m very happy to say that Middle School Pride has already raised over 270 dollars for Madagascar In My Heart! –Christina Papageorgakopoulos ’16 (Wire Head 2012-2013)