Round Square: Every Day a New Adventure in South Africa

Waking up to a poolside breakfast followed by 18 holes of golf under the hot African sun seems like a suitable way to start off your day. Well, it’s how I begin most of my days here in South Africa. The air is warm, the sun always shines and life is good.

I am 23 days into my journey and have already seen more animals than most people would in their entire lives. From leopards, lions, elephants, hippos, crocodiles, and rhinos, to even small creatures like snakes, lizards, and turtles, not to mention hundreds of different exotic birds. You name it and there’s a good chance I’ve encountered it in one instance or another.

The family I am living with is wonderful and I’d like to say that I am ever grateful for them taking me into their home. I am treated with great hospitality and living on the luxurious side of life. Even though I am living in a high-class community, I am very aware of the social and economic problems that surround me. South Africa is actually one of the most affluent countries in Africa, but it is still a developing country. About a quarter of the population is unemployed and lives on under $2 a day. Crime, sexual assault, and corruption within the government are major issues that face South Africa.

I began school at St Stithians College on January 16. St Stithians College is a Methodist, all boys’ school. The campus is over 105 hectors, and holds almost 3000 students. It may be hard to imagine, but it is over 226 football fields in area. Some students board in dorms on campus, while others live quite close. Apart from the fantastic classes and teachers, St Stithians provides a variety of sport teams and clubs that are open to everyone. I have the privilege of participating in the Chess Club, Photography Club, the Music Club, the Track and Field team, and the Fitness team. St Stithians has been very welcoming to me and the other few exchange students. There are two boys from Columbia and one from England who I’ve been spending quite a bit of time with. The four of us are going on a special trip to the Apartheid Museum tomorrow, the first of many places that we will be visiting.

It has been quite the experience so far, with over a month to go. I learn new things everyday, and am grateful to be a part of Round Square. Who knows what I will do next? Every day is a whole new adventure. – Liam McMahon ’14