Une journée magnifique à Jouvence!

Les sixièmes années sont arrivées à Jouvence ce matin. On est dans le chalet qui s¹appelle la Rafale. Il fait très beau et il y a beaucoup de soleil. Harmonie et Lancho sont les premiers animateurs qui nous ont accueillis. 


Cet après-midi, nous avons fait du rabaska. Nous avons pagayé sur le lac jusqu¹à notre arrivée à un quai de l¹autre côté. Une fois sortis du canot, nous avons fait de la randonnée dans la montagne jusqu’à un petit ruisseau. Nous avons sculpté des belles roches (des pierres à savon). Les autres groupes ont participé à des défis d¹équipe, l¹activité s¹appelait: Fort Jouvence.

Notre première journée à la classe rouge était magnifique!

Caroline Weber ’23 et Annia Sandler ’23

Grade 6 Students Visit the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Center

LCC grade 6 students touch upon the causes of the Second World War and the atrocities of the Holocaust. Here is a sampling of reflections from some of our students about their recent visit to the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Center. Students also sketched an artifact that they saw at the museum.

Choose and describe an artifact that interests you and why you chose it.

The artifact was a doll. It was found in the Warsaw Ghetto by Thea Borzuk’s dad in an abandoned apartment. She took it when the family escaped the ghetto and played with it when they lived in hiding. The whole family survived and they moved to Canada in 1950. I chose the artifact because I thought it was interesting how it was found and how the owner escaped the ghetto and lived in hiding until the end of the war. – Sebastian J.

My artifact is a blue and white striped dress that was worn in a concentration camp as it was the uniform that had to be worn. Men wore striped pants and shirts in the same colours, blue and white. I chose this artifact because I found it interesting that someone had actually worn it a long time ago and how so many people must have worn it, as it was all tattered. – Chloé

The artifact I chose is a purple heart shaped booklet with the letter F on the front of it. They used pieces of black bread spread with margarine as glue. It was used as a birthday present for a girl (Fania). Since they were in Auschwitz, it was forbidden to have art materials so Fania’s friend had to steal some materials. This booklet had 20 pages in it and each woman signed it. There were two heart-shaped purple pieces of fabric from a blouse stuck on with bread and the notes. I chose this artifact because I found it really interesting how the heart was made and I think it was very thoughtful and I also found that it was very cool that so many of her friends signed it. I think it was also very brave for the girls to make her a birthday present. – Jordan

The artifact I chose is a voting ballot. It was used in the second round of the Presidential elections in Germany. I chose this artifact because on the ballot someone had voted for Hilter, who soon became chancellor of Germany. Also, I thought it was an intriguing artifact that I wanted to learn more about. – Emma B.

I chose the poster identifying the different types of prisoners in the concentration camps. This poster identifies what type of prisoners were in the Ghettos. Each prisoner had a badge, for example, political prisoners had a red triangle.  There was a classification and badge for every type of prisoner. – Bogdan

The person who used my artifact was a female doctor named Ginda Kalujna Rosenblatt. During the war when some soldiers went to see her and another doctor, they told the soldiers that they had fake heart ailments so they couldn’t participate in the war. I chose this artifact because when I saw it made me think what it was and who used it. After some research I figured out that it was a syringe kit and it belonged to Dr. Ginda Kalujna Rosenblatt. It was used in 1920. – Emanuel

The artifact looks like a yellow and red Star of David. It was a badge that told the Nazis that the person who wore it was a political prisoner and a Jew. It was one of the many badges to tell the SS guards why the person had been incarcerated. I chose this artifact because I was very interested in how the Nazis organized themselves to pull off a mass murder with the help of badges. – Grayson

Grade 6: The Suitcase Assignment

The sixth graders were recently given a very strange homework assignment. They were asked to pack a suitcase with items which they thought were essential to them – items with which they could not do without.  The problem was the students were not told where they were “going” nor for how long they would “stay”.  The questions from the children were numerous, the answers were few.

The following day, both classrooms were littered with clothing, stuffed animals, books, sports equipment, flashlights, toothbrushes and paste, water bottles, and nail polish (!) to name but a few “essential” items. The children discussed and debated the necessity of some of these items and jointly compiled a list of what they simply could not live without regardless of their destination.

The purpose of this assignment was to get the youngsters thinking. What if they were suddenly told that they would be leaving home the following day? How would they feel if they had to pack without understanding where they were going or for how long they would be gone?

Our new novel, Hana’s Suitcase, is about a ten-year old child who faced deportation during Hitler’s regime.  As a result of our “suitcase” assignment, the sixth graders have been sensitized to the real-life experiences of another child in another time.  Hopefully, our LCC students will become adults who will show compassion and acceptance for any culture and religion without exception. – Belinda Rother, Grade 6 English and History, Geography and Citizenship; English Coordinator, Junior School

Port-au-Saumon: Observation des baleines

Une activité où je me suis amusée aujourd’hui est quand nous avons fait l’observation des baleines. Lorsque nous étions sur le bateau, nous avons vu des phoques gris, une baleine bleue et une baleine à bosse.

Ma baleine préférée était la baleine à bosse, car elle a fait un saut dans l’air et c’était extraordinaire! Nous avons aussi vu la queue de baleine à bosse. Il y avait beaucoup de phoques autour du bateau et la baleine bleue était gigantesque! J’ai essayé de prendre des photos, mais le « zoom » de mon appareil photo était défectueux. Plusieurs images ne sont pas très réussies. – Makena Rivard ’20

Port-au-Saumon: Mes attentes pour la classe nature

Mes attentes pour la classe nature sont surtout surprenantes, mais surement excitantes.

De l’allée au retour bizarrement l’autobus fait partie de mes attentes. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je suis excité par le voyage en autobus, il y a quelque chose qui me donne envie de le faire. Probablement, car je vais avoir une compétition de iPod avec mon ami. Deuxièmement, j’aime beaucoup parler avec mes amis, car je découvre toujours des choses que je ne connaissais pas d’eux et que j’aurai de la difficulté à croire.

Toutes les années où on a eu une sortie d’école, j’ai toujours été enthousiasmé par une chose. Ceci est notre chambre. Les chambres sont le mystère de toutes les sorties. Ça m’excite tellement de découvrir quels camarades seront avec moi que je sens que je vais exploser! J’ai hâte aux nuits où on ne cessera pas de parler. C’est si amusant! Ainsi, je me ferai de nouveaux amis. C’est ce qui m’est arrivé l’année dernière lors de la classe rouge.

En conclusion, ce sont deux des choses dont j’ai hâte. Mais j’en ai 1…2…3… au moins 25 autres choses à faire à la classe nature qui m’enthousiasment et qui font que je ne peux plus attendre! – Maxwell Kaspy ’20