Échange en Afrique du Sud: Safari!

Le 9 janvier, j’ai quitté Joburg pour aller en safari au parc national Kruger dans l’est du pays sud-africain.

Après cinq heures de conduite, on est arrivé à l’entrée du parc nommée Phabeni Gate. Là, on a commencé notre voyage lent à travers le parc avec nos jumelles dans une main et nos caméras dans l’autre. Pas un kilomètre de la porte était-on arrêté par un troupeau de vaches qui traversaient la rue! Quelques minutes plus tard, on a repéré des centaines d’impalas, une troupe de minuscules singes, un oiseau à plumes de couleurs vives, appelée un rollier à longs brins, et un seul waterbuck. On était très chanceux!

Le soir, on est arrivé à notre premier camping, à Skukuza. Après le coucher du soleil, on est embarqué dans un camion pour une conduite dans la nuit. Tout était sombre et c’était très difficile d’apercevoir des animaux sans une lampe de poche puissante. Un membre de notre groupe a détecté un mouvement près de la lisière du maquis. C’était une hyène! On la suivit pendant quelques minutes et il nous a apporté à sa famille!

Vers 4 h le lendemain matin, on s’est levé pour aller en randonnée dans le parc. On n’a pas vu grand-chose, mais en retournant de celle-ci, on a aperçu des éléphants et des girafes traversant la rue ! C’était comme aller au zoo … mais sans les enclos!

Dans l’après-midi, on est retourné en route pour notre destination finale, Crocodile Bridge. On a repéré beaucoup plus de mêmes animaux, mais en ajoutant aussi deux rhinocéros blancs et de jolis pique-bœufs à bec rouge.

À chaque jour qui suivait, on quittait notre condo avec le but de repérer un léopard, l’animal le plus difficile d’apercevoir parmi le Big 5 (les animaux africains qui était les plus difficiles de chasser il était une fois, composé léopard, du lion, de l’éléphant, du rhinocéros et du buffle). Cependant, on n’était jamais capable d’en retrouver. On a quand même vu des zèbres, des sangliers, des babouins, des buffles, des gnous, des hippopotames, des lions et un guépard, ce qui  est loin d’être pire!

Je suis super chanceux d’avoir eu la chance de rencontrer des animaux sauvages dans un magnifique parc national comme Kruger. J’ai été très impressionné avec la beauté de la nature qu’on peut y trouver. C’était une expérience fantastique!

Adam Vandenbussche ’17, Exchange Student at St Stithians College

South Africa: Amazing Experiences

Over the past two weeks that I have been in South Africa, I have done many amazing things. As soon as I met my exchange, Luke, and his mother, I knew that I had made the right choice about where to go. Right away, Luke and I set off on a safari, where I saw many animals, including four of the big five (lion, rhino, elephant, and buffalo). I would only see the last of the big five, the leopard, a week from then. The last couple of days before school, Luke and I built a robot with drills, using the skills that I had learned last year in robotics.

When I started at Stanford Lake College, I made friends immediately. The classes were similar except they had longer days and more classes. Also, in geography class, they study maps and then go on wilderness treks. Living at a boarding school is very different though. I have never woken up for school surrounded by my friends and without my family.

One of the reasons I came to South Africa was to experience something new. So, later in the week, I practiced cricket and on Saturday I watched a cricket game. I prefer to play cricket as the game is quite long, lasting from 10 am to 5 pm, with a lunch break of 15 minutes…probably one of the longest days ever!

As the weekend rolled in, so did time for adventure. On Sunday morning, Luke and I went to a game farm to see and pet the cheetahs. We also finally saw two leopards, the last of the big five. On another zoo trip, I also got to play with baby tigers and baby lions…as if they were household pets! – Jamie Bekins ’17, LCC exchange student at Stanford Lake College, South Africa

Student Exchange: Welcomed with Open Arms!

After a total of twenty hours travelling, I finally landed in the fascinating city of Johannesburg, South Africa. After being warmly greeted by my host family at the pickup area, I knew I was in good hands and was bursting with excitement to embark on this tremendous, two-month journey!


Fortunately, I arrived a few days before school started, so I had time to settle in and explore what Johannesburg has to offer, with my host, Olivia and her family and friends. Olivia has three younger sisters: Sophie is five years old, Grace is ten years old and Leigh is thirteen years old. Each one of them has a unique personality and brings so much enjoyment to my life here in South Africa!


Sally and Brett, my host parents, have welcomed me with open arms and always make me feel at home. Also, I have made many new friends, in, and out of school, who are all so kind and help me to feel included in this new environment.


St Stithians Girls’ College is the school I am attending whilst here. It is located on a stunning campus and is filled with lively students and teachers, who come in every morning with a smile on their face. Going to a school with just girls is refreshing and is a new experience for me, which I am thoroughly enjoying.


After a few weeks here, I have fed giraffes and pet lion cubs, went to the Gold Reef City amusement park, spent a beautiful weekend in Durban, swam in the sea, visited a water park, walked elephants and much more. Evidently, my time here so far has been quite eventful!


Doing an exchange has definitely been the best decision of my life and the bonds, memories and friendships here will never leave my mind. I am ecstatic to spend another few weeks here and will cherish every moment possible! – Julia Garfinkle ’16 (LCC Exchange Student @ St Stithians Girls’ College in South Africa)


Student Exchange: Halfway Across the World!

Cradle-forum_01I can’t believe I am actually here, it feels like just yesterday I was filling out what seemed to be the endless exchange application form and forcing my mom to make up mock interview questions. But I am now really here, halfway across the world in South Africa! I didn’t really know what to expect when I was told I was going to Africa, the first thoughts that came to mind were grass huts and lions. But I arrived to find something very different; I arrived to find civilization similar to the one I know so well but different in so many ways.


Before I get to that I should probably do a quick recap of my first destination. I met the Pugin family in Innsbruck, Austria and snowboarded in the Alps for four days with my exchange family; it was absolutely beautiful and an amazing start to my exchange. We then flew down to Johannesburg and on the way back I also got to visit BMW World in Germany, which was heaven for me, being a car fanatic. After an 11-hour flight I finally arrived and was greeted by a warm 30-degree weather. At first the heat was unbearable but within the first few days I got used to it.


Boarding school was something that I was nervous about but it has been great so far. I have made lots of friends who have been extremely helpful in showing me where to go for classes because the school schedule is more complicated than a game of cricket!


On the weekends, I have seen not the Africa that I arrived in but the Africa I dreamed of. I have visited such places as the rhino and lion park where I got to get up close with lion cubs (maybe a bit too close for comfort) as well as the Cradle of Human Kind where I got to explore the cave where the oldest human ancestor was found (an Australopithecus named “Little foot”).


The hardest part of an exchange is keeping up with school but I think I am managing pretty well. So far this has been an amazing experience and I can’t wait to see what other adventures are to come. As much as I miss my friends, family and home, what I think I miss the most is the cold but I think for now I am going to enjoy the sunny 30-degree weather! – Nicolas Brière ’16 (LCC exchange student at St. Stithians College in South Africa)