Kenya Exchange Provides New Perspectives on Daily Life

kenyaOne week has passed and I still do not feel any different about my love for this extraordinary place. As you all know, I have been on exchange at Brookhouse for the past couple weeks. This has been the first time for me to go elsewhere and live on my own. At home, my mother did almost all the housework and I was a rather dependent kid. In Canada, I did not have to do laundry, or even daily necessities; such as cleaning my room. From this exchange I have learned to be thoughtful and frugal. Also, everyone around me comes from a different background, yet I do not feel out of place. It is not the color or values held by a person that separates one from another, it is simply the willingness to open up your mind to a different lifestyle. I feel like I have the responsibility to bring this mindset back home. I will help around as much as possible, and inspire my friends to do the same. This has been an unforgettable experience.

On that note…

The best time to learn is when you are young. Studying abroad has helped me to make my own decisions, to develop my own opinions and to build up myself as a person. It has also improved my self-confidence and communication skills. I have become more experienced in dealing with people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and most certainly with different beliefs and values. This will help me to work not only in my homeland, but also on an international level, like communicating with foreigners or even taking a career abroad.

Studying abroad is that necessary experience; one of the most memorable in my life. Although Africa is so far away from where I live, it is now in my heart and closer than ever. I have fallen in love with the people here and I wish I didn’t have to leave so soon. –Jesse Mikelberg ’12