Grade 5s Teach Grade 1s Lesson in Canadian Geography

Gr1_5_LessonOn Monday, February 1, the students of 5A had the pleasure of greeting younger LCC students from grade 1. We felt very grown up and were eager to introduce the program of Google Earth to the younger students to show them our beautiful country.

We looked at British Columbia to show them the sites of the 2010 winter Olympics. Some of the places we visited were: BC Place which is where they are holding the opening and closing ceremonies, the Olympic Oval for speed skating, Whistler for skiing, and many more! Then we also looked at, Iqaluit, since the grade 1 students are working on a project involving the Arctic.

The grade 1 class was very enthusiastic and enjoyed answering our many questions about the places we visited with them. They are all very cute and very bright and it was fun to spend time with them today! –Julia Garfinkle ’16

La nourriture à Jouvence

ClasseNeige2010C’est maintenant notre deuxième journée à Jouvence, et on désire répondre à une question que tous nos parents se posent : est-ce que nos enfants mangent bien?

La réponse est : Oui, c’est correct, on mange et c’est bon!
Comme tous ceux qui me connaissent bien, je suis un critique très particulier quand on parle de nourriture. Cette fois, je serai gentil pour une bonne raison; la nourriture à Jouvence a la qualité de celle d’un restaurant quatre étoiles! Je vais surement avoir beaucoup plaisir lorsque j’interviewerai le chef pour mon projet de français! Maintenant c’est presque le temps du souper, alors je dois partir. Merci de lire mon article! –Maxim M. ’15

Problem of the Week: LCC Turns 100

Grade1Centenary_07Dec2009Every week, LCC’s grade 1 students receive a “Math Problem of the Week,” which is made up of several math activities that they need to solve.

In honour of LCC’s 100th birthday celebration, the grade 1 students put together their own display of 100 objects. They needed to choose 100 items, count them by putting them into groups and present them in any way they wanted. The results were amazing! Their projects were creative, vibrant and original. Our founder, Dr. Fosbery, would be proud… I sure am!

—Miss Wehlan

Quotes from students:

“I learned how to group by tens. I liked putting the items in colour and shape order.” — Grayson Velan, 1A

“I liked subtracting the extra objects from 100.” — Isabella Taite, 1A

I liked to work with counting.”. — Natalie Clack, 1A

“I learned how to group by 5s.” — Harry Wiltzer, 1A

“My favourite part was presenting. I learned how to count to 100.” — Devon LLano, 1B

“I learned how to group numbers.” — Lily Trestan, 1B

“I know that 10 x 10 is 100.” — Alexander Chneerov, 1B

“I think all of the projects were super!” — Sophie Rioux, 1B

Making Links Through Hockey

FieldHockey_09Oct2009Today’s activity was a real experience for me. Ms. Wearing told us we had a surprise assignment. After recess she told us we were playing field hockey. We have been reading a book that takes place in Afghanistan and in the book they talk about field hockey. She showed us a video on it and then we had to go outside and we had a chance to play.

It was very different from normal hockey and you have to play right-handed. The balls are as hard as rock and they bounce a lot. First, we tried passing the ball around with a partner then we got to try to see who could get their ball the farthest.  I was really excited to shoot the ball as hard as I could but it didn’t go that far. The reason why we did this was to get a feel for what Afghans do during physical education class. That day I learned that even Afghan people play hockey. Most of all, I was really shocked on how different the sticks were. They were gold coloured with a hook at the bottom that had a flat side and a round side, but you are only allowed to use the flat side. It’s nice to see that people can do things in different ways and still have lots of fun. 

— Kameel Khan ‘16

Field Day Builds Friendships

FieldDay2009Field day was an awesome day for the entire Junior School. Everybody got to participate and build friendships with members of their house. The team spirit and sportsmanship was evident, everyone was cheering loudly and enthusiastically for their teammates.

Whether it was jumping on a blow up pirate ship, dribbling a soccer ball while dressed in oversized clothing, balancing a tennis ball on a spoon, passing a giant ball from one teammate to the other or playing Pictionary, it was an enjoyable day and would not have been possible without the support and hard work of our teachers who planned this event.

Leading Woods House to a victory in the competition were Samuel Golberg and Olivia Hecht. Their good team work and effort brought gave them first place with 45 points. A round of applause should also be given to Beveridge and French house for coming in second and third. All participants should be congratulated for their hard work.

Other highlights of the day included the warm sun, the icy cold TCBY and the refreshing water sprayed on all of the students by Mrs. Rother!

–Zachary Shine ’15 (Junior School Head Boy) and Leah Salzman ’15 (Junior School Head Girl)