The iPride Squad was very busy during the month of October. We learned more about setting up our own Twitter accounts; so follow us @LCCiPride!
On Thursday, October 23, 2014, the iPride squad visited the Apple store where we learned more about the different applications available to us through the App Store. One of the apps we learned more about was Keynote. We learned how to add transitions to slides, add media, and many other cool features such as Instant Alpha. Instant Alpha is similar to Photoshop and it allows you to modify pictures, crop, etc. that you don’t want to show in your presentation.
At the end of our visit to the Apple Store, we received a USB bracelet, a nametag, and a shirt as a souvenir. The Apple Store was a lot of fun and we can’t wait to go back in the spring. After the visit, we even acquired new iPride Squad members! – Ella Waxman ’19