Duke of Edinburgh: Gold Winter Trip

2011_12_DofEd_GoldWinter_107From February 16 – 19, ten grade 11 students attended the Winter Duke of Edinburgh Gold journey. It was definitely a challenge, hiking and snowshoeing 44 km and dog-sledding 70 km within such a short span of time, and yet it was all so rewarding.

The part of this journey that remains so vivid in my mind is having the opportunity to hike through the sunrise. On the third day, we had to wake up at 4:00 am in order to accomplish our hike to arrive at the dog-sledding on time. Walking with flashlights when we commenced our hike and then slowly but surely seeing the sunrise is not only a memorable but also a beautiful experience.

Perhaps waking up at that hour was not ideal, but accomplishing such a unique hike was definitely worthwhile. After all that hard work, we spent two incredible days with the dogs we were dog-sledding with. The entire journey was one I will never forget and I am so proud to have completed it.—Caroline Ballard ’12.

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