School Walkabout

2013_14_Voix_de_Poesie_smSee the striking vibrant colours and designs of the winter-themed paintings on the wall in a Junior School corridor.  The work by the young artists is good beyond their years. CREATIVITY & COURAGE.

Hear the nervous tone of two students heading into a French class to present l’oratoire publique. CREATIVITY & COURAGE.

Excitement and anticipation are worn by students awaiting their drama teacher in the new black box theatre classroom.  Are they really ready to perform all the lines they have tried so hard to memorize and interpret?  CREATIVITY & COURAGE.

The numbers and patterns finally make sense. Force, pressure, motion. The popsicle stick bridge can now withstand over 100 kilos.  Maybe it can be built even stronger – stronger than the Champlain Bridge? CREATIVITY & COURAGE.

Ten students have practiced, practiced and practiced again. Now it’s time for Les voix de la poésie, une presentation en deux langues. The spotlight, pounding heartbeat, clear diction, oral interpretation through rhyme, rhythm, intonation, accent parfait.  Nailed it!  CREATIVITY & COURAGE.

The evening event is supported by a small jazz ensemble. Golden tones bend soft shapes in the night air. A drummer smiles and rocks with the rhythm and beat. The instruments meld into one. Practice will make perfect.  We know we can do this. CREATIVITY & COURAGE.

Pride on display at a home game. A beautiful pass, two dribbles, jump shot and swish of the net. Three-pointer. A roar from the crowd. Satisfaction! Upstairs on the rink , dozens of alumni and parents gaze down as skates cut the ice, crisp passes, pucks ding off of goal posts. Speed, sweat and effort – an impressive scoreless tie. Next time lads, next time. CREATIVITY & COURAGE.

Instruments ready, the sweet sound of music. Harmony, teamwork. Sounds drift in unison. Together the group inspires gathered souls. A dramatic performance – a vignette on the fickleness of love. Is this Almost, Maine? All eyes on us. Interpretation. The Junior School Choir sings sweet melodies with passion and pride. Cute on parade.  This new arts space is awesome! CREATIVITY & COURAGE.

Revolution or evolution? Interpret the map, see the patterns: economic, social, political, technological, cultural. Never heard of the Ukrainian Famine, the Boer War, the Winnipeg General Strike. Who were Napoleon and Lester B. Pearson? Develop a thesis.  Analyze, synthesize, interpret. Explore our historical foundations. CREATIVITY & COURAGE.

But there’s much more behind this school’s many walls: EQ, IQ, effort, resilience, motivation, connection. Oh yes, CREATIVITY & COURAGE. Even more than that; it’s complex. Let’s just call it learning, yes, learning.  It happens when we keep the fires burning.  – Christopher Shannon, Headmaster