Duke of Ed Gold Trip 2014: Camaraderie, Collaboration and Cooperation

2013_14_DukeEdGold_CostaRica_092I can honestly say that the Duke of Ed Gold trip to Costa Rica was one of the best experiences of my life. I got to push my limits, I learned how much I was capable of leaving my comfort zone, I made some awesome new friends and participated in so many incredible activities that I never dreamed I could really do.


After a very early start, I mean a 4:00 am start; we arrived in San Jose in the early afternoon, I was quite tired. I perked up though that evening, when I discovered a scorpion in my hotel room, an unnerving intro to Costa Rica!


Our adventure began in earnest the next day with a five day hike. This was grueling and intense. We hiked for a couple of hours a day in various degrees of difficulty. We climbed over massive rocks, hiked up monster hills all in the unbearable heat. While the hike was difficult, we got to enjoy the fantastic and beautiful landscape and scenery. There were waterfalls; the sky was as blue as can be, and we were surrounded by incredible and unspoiled nature. During the duration of the hike, we stayed in tents, which was an interesting experience. We really got to embrace nature.


Once the hike was over, I felt relief but I was also proud that I persevered and endured the trek. After the hike, it was time for adventurous activities. We stayed at a lodge for a few days where I learned that life could be simple, uncomplicated but happy. The lodge didn’t have any doors or windows, and any insect and animal was free to come in, and they did! We learned to make chocolate out of coco beans and we got to live among turkeys and roosters that would wake us up at 5 am every morning.


I even mustered the courage to rappel down an 85-foot cliff. As well, during our time at the lodge, we helped to build a special garden shelter. We cut bamboo from the forest, and we had to transport it down a hill and across a river back to the lodge. That in itself was an adventure. But I think what made this trip extraordinarily special was the camaraderie, collaboration and cooperation within our group and the great support with and encouragement from the teachers who accompanied us.



It was an amazing journey, where I got to discover a lot about myself. I shelved my comfort zone and I took risks, and I ended up having experiences that I will never, ever forget. – Jennifer Ben-Menashe ’14



Duke of Ed Gold Trip-Costa Rica: A Sense of Accomplishment


Day 5: Our hiking journey now over, we begin a new chapter. In no time our clothes were going to be washed, our bodies no longer dirty and meals eaten inside at a table. We packed our hiking bags and tents with excitement as in a few hours we would be under a roof for the first time in four days.


We awoke to a beautiful sunrise and ate a delicious breakfast of oatmeal, raisins and granola with hot chocolate. Leaving the campsite was a relief but it was also quite difficult to say goodbye to the beauty of the Costa Rican jungle. Mauricio and his adoptive brother Ura led us to the adventure Center that was also his parents’ home; we followed a narrow path for about half an hour to get there. Mauricio’s family greeted us with open arms. His mother had cooked pancakes on top of which she pored some of her delicious homemade chocolate sauce. Everyone had their own bed and bathrooms were also easily accessible.


We settled in, unpacked and explored our new home. They had many pets including a chicken, a rooster, a grumpy turkey and four dogs. Many of us loved the family’s female dog, Lucky. The house was divided into three areas: the kitchen, the boys’ rooms and the girls’ rooms. All the beds were in bunks and fortunately bugs were not out in force. We were constantly serenaded by the sound of crashing water from the nearby river. Mauricio gave us the opportunity to go swimming in the clear blue water. It was absolutely rejuvenating to swim after our four-day hike even if the water was somewhat chilly.


Meanwhile, Mauricio’s mother Rosa was cooking us lunch; she made rice, beans, chicken and more pancakes with chocolate sauce. After lunch, the teachers divided us up into two groups of 15 for afternoon activities; the first group started with zip lining and the second group began to work on the community service project. The entire project was focused on building a hydroponic growing system with the accessible local material such as bamboo. I was a part of the first group and so we started at the zip-line with Mauricio’s dad. The feeling was sensational: zooming along a 100 meter wire, 1000 meters up in the air over water rapids and blooming flowers.


Afterwards, we changed activities; my group started our community service hours and the others went zip lining. Dinner was served shortly after; we ate spaghetti, rice and garlic bread. We all had the privilege of showering before supper after having spent four-days without. Overall, it was a great day for the entire group.


Jour 6: Le lendemain, nous nous sommes réveillés à 6 heures du matin afin de nous préparer pour une journée assez occupée. Le petit-déjeuner qui nous a été servis à 6:45 comprenait des crêpes, des œufs brouillés et des tortillas avec un chocolat chaud comme breuvage.


Après avoir bien mangé, nous avons été replacés dans les mêmes groupes afin de participer à d’autres activités offertes par le Centre d’Aventure. Mauricio nous a expliqué que l’escalade d’un arbre ainsi que la continuité du projet de service communautaire étaient les deux activités matinales offertes à nous. Mon groupe a commencé au poste d’escalade et les autres ont continué le projet communautaire. J’ai réussi à escalader l’arbre même avec le tendon de ma jambe droite que j’ai tordu durant la randonnée en montagne qu’on a effectué précédemment. J’étais très fière de moi-même et des efforts que j’ai effectués afin de ne pas laisser ma faiblesse au tendon ruiner mon voyage. Par la suite, les escaladeurs se sont dirigés vers la jungle où se situaient ceux qui travaillaient sur le projet communautaire afin de leur venir en aide.


Nous avons tous transporté un nombre significatif de tronc de bambou jusqu’à l’entrée de la maison de Mauricio. Pour diner, nous avons mangé des pâtes, une salade de betteraves et de patates ainsi qu’une soupe aux légumes et au bœuf. Malheureusement, après avoir mangé, j’ai du rester à l’intérieur puisque ma peau a été trop exposée au soleil le matin et j’ai développé des boutons de chaleur en conséquence. J’ai préparé le souper avec la mère de Mauricio qui comprenait du ris, des œufs à coq, des fèves et une salade de betteraves et de patates. Puisque c’était notre dernier soir chez les parents de Mauricio, nous avons pu questionner ces derniers sur leur vie actuelle, leur jeunesse et le Centre d’Aventure après avoir souper. Nous avons adoré cette période de questionnement puisque toutes petites interrogations du groupe ont été répondues.


Day 7: Waking up was difficult because by early afternoon, we were expected to be heading to Quepos for our last couple days in Costa Rica and no one wanted to say goodbye to Mauricio’s family and the Adventure Center. For breakfast, we ate over easy eggs, rice, beans and chocolate flavoured cereal. Before lunch, our goal was to complete as much of the community service project as possible.


By noon, we finished the frame and Mauricio considered it to be a job well done. For lunch, we ate rice, beans and a potato stew. We packed our hiking bags and met up in the dining area for the last time; before leaving, to thank the family for having received us, we went around in a circle, stood up when it was our turn, presented a thank you message in Spanish and shook the hands of all the members of Mauricio’s family. Leaving the Adventure Center, I felt a sense of accomplishment because by building the hydroponic growing system, we were giving back to a community that made us feel safe, happy and at home.- Cassandra Heward ’15

Enjoy the photos

Mission Matters


 Leading by example, we are committed to the fullest development of students in mind, body and heart, preparing them for success and leadership in a sustainable global society.
LCC Mission Statement

It is this mission statement that guides our daily activities at LCC. Our core mission asks a lot. We don’t solely focus on academics in the classroom; we stress development of students’ bodies and hearts. We support the inherent importance of physical activity, the arts, as well as character and leadership development of each student. We also have a focus on sustainability and being global in our orientation.

There’s a lot to discuss in this statement. But let me focus on the simple introductory phrase in our mission statement, “leading by example.” I love that part of the statement, because it is a call to action for all of us on our campus to literally “lead by example.” It is a reminder to teachers, staff, parents, alumni, and of course, to all students to try their hardest and simply do their best. It doesn’t ask us to pretend we are perfect or excellent all the time, but to commit to try hard most of the time.  And let’s face it, that’s difficult, because life is hard – and we all constantly face challenges. But I believe deeply that we become a better community by trying, putting forth consistent effort, accepting challenges and living by a simple rule: respect yourself and all others as you do yourself.

In a community or group setting, aiming for high standards and norms is very important. So as each student tries to learn, improve and grow, it is the fact that they can do so in a culture of respect that is probably most important at LCC. No student should ever be mocked, bothered or harassed when they take a risk or stand apart from their peers. They all deserve that.

There is a great deal of discussion in society at large about bullying and its consequences.  I attended a conference on this topic just over a week ago with experts from across Canada and the USA. They presented data and identified interesting trends. The researchers reinforced an important point: the value of EQ or emotional intelligence vs. IQ, academic intelligence. Studies show that it is EQ that is more closely associated with long-term success in life: compassion, empathy, resilience, and capacity to work with people in groups. These are key EQ skills young people will need to develop over time to help them grow, mature and develop a strong character.

Despite grave anxiety by many parents about students’ online lives, current research shows that the vast majority of students use the Internet for the right reasons: to complete homework, connect with their friends and check out the latest funny videos.  Do they need some instruction and guidance on managing their digital lives? Yes, but it us affirming to know from the researchers that most teens are respectful digital citizens most of the time.

If and when there are issues of significance with peer relationships in our school, it has been our experience in recent years that when necessary, LCC students usually find an adult to speak to, to help work things out (e.g., teacher, advisor, coach, counsellor).  And when serious issues occur off-site, between our students or students from other schools, we always make it our business to investigate and demonstrate care for the welfare of our students, because it is the right thing to do.

In essence, “leading by example” is what all of our students do most of the time at LCC, and I commend them for that. I urge them to continue to respect themselves and their peers and care about the culture and tone of our school. Regardless of the rulebook, it is how all of our students act on a day-to-day basis and occasionally when under duress that defines our collective culture.  Stand tall for respect, empathy and the right to be different.  When challenged, students need to find a way to always stand up for the quiet victim. That is at the very foundation of who we are as a community. –Chris Shannon, Headmaster

Round Square: Integrating Leadership Into Everyday Life

Over the week of January 27, five LCC grade 10 students, James Kastner, Zack Shine, Victoria Kalisky, Jennifer Beallor, Arianna Galbraith along with myself, Jessica Lackstein travelled to Haliburton, Ontario. We represented LCC at the Round Square Regional Conference of the Americas hosted by St. Clements School and Bayview Glen School. Students travelled from all corners of the globe in order to attend this conference.

Upon arrival at the hotel our first welcome was from two Colombian students. We exchanged information and instantly became friends. As more and more delegates from their respective countries began introducing themselves to us we came to the realization that although we came from complete different corners of the world, we have much in common.

While riding the three-hour drive up to Camp Wanakita, everyone was beaming with laughter, cheer and pride. I recall sitting on the bus with my friend and saying, “ I can’t believe students travelled all the way from Australia!” Just then, someone from Australia peeked through the crack between our chairs and said, “Australia? I’m sorry but you said Australia! That’s where I’m from!” From all his pride and excitement I knew the people I would meet and the friendships I would make would last forever. From that moment on all my worries and fears had diminished and I was more than ready for what the next four days had to offer.

At the camp we participated in various outdoor activities such as: snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, high ropes course and dogsledding, an obvious favourite. Although it seems as if it was all “fun and games” we incorporated many new leadership skills into each activity. Whether it was helping the driver guide the dogsled through the blistering cold or encouraging your friend to climb the high ropes course, there were leadership skills involved in every process.

The most challenging yet most educational activity was an indoor evening activity. Twenty-three different qualities such as: love for learning, curiosity and open-mindedness were all placed on the floor and we were told to sit at the one that we felt was our strongest. It took a good three minutes for everyone to decide where they felt the strongest connection and even then people still had a very distinct look of uncertainty on their face. Once everyone had decided, we were asked to stand up one by one and explain to a room of about 50 people why we felt this was our strongest quality. To be able to stand up in front of 50 complete strangers and talk about myself was one of the hardest challenges.

After completing the first exercise, we had to then sit by our weakest quality and address the room once more. One by one, we all got up and addressed the room. Not only were we speaking up about our weaknesses and our strengths but we are also becoming more self-aware. As more people spoke, the room got louder and more people voiced their opinion. Everyone seemed far more motivated and determined to succeed and most importantly more aware of their position in the world.

The conference was an experience of a lifetime. To anyone interested in attending a conference, whether it is the junior or the senior Round Square, I highly recommend attending. The bonds created and lessons learned will last forever. Most importantly, we learned what it takes to be a great leader and how to integrate leadership qualities into every thing you do in life.  – Jessica Lackstein ’15

Duke of Edinburgh: A Unique Journey

Last weekend, eighteen Grade 11 students travelled to Northern Ontario with Mr. Weiland and Mrs. Owen to complete the Adventurous Journey component of their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. The trip aimed to “Cultivate a spirit of adventure, discovery, self-reliance, and environmental conservation while undertaking a wilderness or adventure experience.” The journey revolved mainly around dog sledding. Students worked closely with Chocpaw, a dog sledding organization that has been planning expeditions for the past 30 years. Most students had never experienced dog sledding before, which made us both eager to set off on the journey and unsure of what to expect.


Upon our arrival at Algonquin Park, we put on our snowshoes and heavy backpacks containing all our material for the entire journey and set off on a hike. We travelled through trails and across a lake covered with only ten inches of ice. The hike proved to be a challenge, as it put many students’ fitness to the test. However, beautiful scenery made the hike very enjoyable. After a tiring five hours, we arrived at a camp not only breathless from the hike, but also from the sheer beauty of nature that surrounded us.


Arriving at the camp meant chores. Tasks were delegated: some students were in charge of felling wood, which would later be used in the stoves to heat the tents. Our guide instructed us how to do so, and we learned which types of wood were useful in which conditions. Others were responsible for collecting water by making a hole through the ice in the lake, which would later be boiled and used for drinking water and to heat our dinner. As for our meal, small grills were present in the tents and a few students were assigned kitchen duty.


These tasks took a fair amount of time to complete. We worked well after sunset, pausing for aerobic sessions to warm up. We ate a warm and rewarding supper, enjoying each other’s presence and bonding as a group. The communal effort provided was gratifying. We settled into our warm, heated tents and slept throughout the night. However, the fluctuation of the temperature inside the tent as the fire died out and was stoked kept some of us awake.


The next day, we gathered all our equipment and hiked back to our original starting point to obtain our team of dogs. Arriving at the kennel was overwhelming: 387 enthusiastic dogs were barking, eager to start running and pulling our sleds. We packed our sleds with our bags, attaching them with tarp and rope. In teams of two, we were assigned to a team of six Alaskan huskies, which are a mix between Siberian huskies and another breed, usually a German shepherd.


At this point, the chaotic process of hooking up the dogs to our sled began. Each student had to retrieve a dog, remembering its name, harness size and position on the dog sled. We learned how to attach the dogs properly and how to keep them calm and tamed. The sleds themselves had to be duly attached to a nearby tree, for the dogs would otherwise run off as soon as they were harnessed. We then set off on our dog sledding adventure, with one student as passenger and another as the driver. The latter was in charge of breaking and calling out the appropriate commands to steer the dogs. Sledding was not a passive experience; on the contrary, we were up and running most of the time, encouraging the dogs to run and pushing the sled uphill.


We sledded all day, stopping at night at camps. The dogs were tied to chains, fed and given straw for the night. The process of chores was repeated over the course of the next three days. We were outside all day, sledding, taking care of the dogs and doing chores. It was quite a change of routine to have to complete chores that were essential to our survival. Also, the trip enabled us to learn how to stay warm in the coldest of conditions.


The trip was truly an exhilarating and unique experience. I never would have had this opportunity if it were not for the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme. Working in such close proximity to the dogs was amazing. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the trip exceeded all of our expectations. Bonding with both the dogs and our classmates was awesome. I am so grateful I was given the chance to go on this journey.

Tatjana Dimock ’14
