Middle School Pride: Grace Dart Community Service Concert


I haven’t been involved with Middle School Pride for long, but I’ve already put forward an initiative. Since the beginning of October, Zoe Doyle ’16, Rebecca Ross ’16 and I have been planning a community service opportunity for members of the grade 8 band.

Fifteen students signed up to perform a concert for the residents at the Grace Dart retirement home last Saturday. I have to say, I had fun! Helping the elderly has a different feeling to it than other community service opportunities, such as helping kids or collecting food for food drives. It’s different because I know one day I’ll be in their position, and having students volunteer allows for different relationships to flourish.

My friends who helped me with this project also found the experience rewarding. The whole time, everyone was smiling and willing to help the residents as much as they could.

Pendant deux heures de service communautaire, les élèves ont aidé les résidents. A la fin de notre concert, nous avons servi du jus aux résidents. Pendant deux heures, il y avait beaucoup de travail à faire.

Au début, Rebecca et Zoe ont contacté la tante de Rebecca, qui travaille à Grace Dart, puis pour les deux dernières semaines, j’ai travaillé sur les chansons pour le concert. Puis, Micheal Di Giorgio et moi avons interviewé Mme Corbeil, une des résidentes. On lui a posé des questions à propos du concert et on a décidé qu’avant la fin de l’année scolaire, on va revenir à Grace Dart pour faire un autre concert. — Christina Papageorgakopoulos ’16

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