Mesmerized in India

Humes_Week1India_2011_blogLanding in Delhi, the smell of India entered the plane as we were grabbing our handbags to leave. I was nervous, but also really excited, and the staring started as soon as we entered the airport. We drove around Delhi for a few hours, and started to get the rhythm of this new place.

We got on our next flight to Indore and met our amazing exchanges, and then went to the school. By then, it was about 7 pm. We got settled into our dorm and unpacked a little. The first night, we were woken up by a mouse crawling around in our bags, and all we could think was; “this is only the beginning.” After about a week however, we went to Mumbai to attend a wedding, and it was absolutely amazing. There were so many colours and people. We got to wear Indian dresses and shoes and be witness to an authentic Indian ceremony. It was definitely an experience I will remember my whole life. –Alanna Humes ’13

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