Time to Renew

SpringrenewalLast week we saw two major celebrations on religious calendars—Easter in the Christian calendar and Passover in the Jewish calendar. Both of those spiritual traditions focus on elements of rebirth, survival and renewal. For those that do not subscribe to either of these religious traditions, this past weekend was also about renewal. We all were blessed with a long weekend where the weather was stunning and our whole society emerged from the interior caverns of winter shelter and spent time outdoors. Together we welcomed the warmth of sunshine and the stunning beauty of spring.

I’m always somewhat in awe at this time of year: the sheer beauty and wonder of the natural world amazes even the greatest cynic. Welcome to spring—buds on the trees, flowers pushing up through the—until recently—frozen soil, and grass turning from brown to vibrant green. This is indeed a time of renewal. It’s a time of emergence and becoming; what I like to call the season of possibility.
In keeping with the spirit of this season in the natural world, I urge all students: decide how you want to emerge. How do you want to renew an interest, a skill, or an initiative that somehow never really moved forward. Decide what’s important, take a risk or two, and try something new at school. It’s spring. We can all feel the positive vibes in the air.

The next few weeks are about possibility, getting outside, reconnecting with friends and nature. In terms of your life, consider how you want to emerge, to renew, to grow. ’Tis the season! —Chris Shannon, Headmaster

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