Round Square: A Sacred Experience, from Bogotá to Guatavita

blog_gardalcicThe Round Square conference in Bogotá, Columbia, has been such an amazing experience. Today, we had the chance to visit the beautiful town of Guatavita located very high in the mountains, one hour away from Bogotá. First, we visited the Guatavita Museum. There we learned all about the artwork and traditions of the native people who used to live there. Next, we went to the main square of the town to complete a fun scavenger hunt.

After going to a beautiful sailing club for lunch, we went on an afternoon hike up a mountain to see the lagoon of El Dorado. The view was breathtaking; the lagoon was almost perfectly round and surrounded on all sides by forest. We learned that the lagoon is filled with gold due to the traditions of the Muisca, who believed the lagoon was sacred. In all, the Round Square conference has been such an amazing experience and I am excited for new adventures to come. -Alexandra Gardilcic ’16, Round Square Participant

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