A State of Flow

BeepTest2010_BlogI often reflect on the importance of balance in life. Regardless of age, we all revel in the opportunity to do what we like best and simply play. Play is not just the exclusive domain of children. Whether it’s involvement in athletics, hobbies, or the arts, adults love play as well. When we play, we detach somewhat from day-to-day worries and transcend into a wonderful state-of-mind that psychologists refer to as “flow.”

Researchers describe “flow” as “the state of optimal experience.” It’s the state when people report deep concentration accompanied by deep enjoyment—complete absorption in an activity. Experts remind us that when we are in a state of flow we feel strong, alert, and activity seems effortless: we’re at the peak of our abilities.

With regards to learning and education, flow is also important. It comes from the satisfaction derived from self-directed discovery, supported by a strong and natural sense of curiosity and inquiry. If you want to see flow in action, just drop by our Kindergarten playground during any recess. Watch how young children become absorbed in the freedom and magic of creative play. As we grow older, reaching a true state of flow becomes harder to achieve.

However, last Wednesday LCC was in a kind of state of institutional flow as the stars in the LCC galaxy seemed perfectly aligned. On that morning 450 students from grades 7-11 gathered on our beautiful fields for our school’s first attempt at a Guinness World Record. This was a large-scale fitness display, with hundreds completing a timed running initiative, affectionately known as the “Beep Test.” Hats off to our students as 324 were successful at meeting the fitness standard—and it looks like we’ve set a new global record. Congratulations, LCC!

That very afternoon, with the sun shining and the day warm, we enjoyed our season-ending PeeWee Football Jamboree. It was a perfect finale to the season with many parents gathered on the sidelines to watch multiple games and complete the season.

Inside our Main Building, our Junior School was elated over its costume day and a lively celebration of Halloween. The noon-hour parade of costumes was a colourful and energetic display of creativity and imagination. Middle and Senior School students also impressed with costumes later in the week.

It was fulfilling to see the LCC community in a genuine state of flow last week. Our students worked hard and showed balance in their lives. Always seeking balance, I hope to see our school reach such a visible state of flow more frequently. —Chris Shannon, Headmaster

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