Middle School “Survive or Die” Mount Orford Outdoor Ed Trip

2014_2015_MS_Outdoor_Ed_Mt_Orford_Group_035Last Friday, our group of 24 Middle School students (grades 7-8) embarked on an outdoor ed trip to Mount Orford. Ms. Saunders, our trip leader, had been preparing our group of “adventurers” since the beginning of the year, through a variety of in-school training sessions that taught us the basics of survival in the outdoors. For example, we learned how to set up a tent, operate a camp stove, and administer basic first aid (fortunately, there was no need!). Our group was well prepared for a great trek and camping experience.

When we boarded the bus on Friday for our 1.5-hour drive, we were all bustling with energy, until something horrible happened: THE TEACHERS TOOK OUR PHONES AWAY. WE WERE FORCED TO TALK. Although this was horrifying, it wasn’t long before we started conservations with other kids on the bus. In fact, the teachers taking our phones away allowed us to bond, which I realized was one of the major benefits of taking the trip.

Upon arrival at the base of the mountain, we immediately got our bags, ate a small energy bar, applied bug spray and sunscreen, and then we got moving. We hiked by some fast water and saw picturesque views of the lake. After about two hours of hiking and talking (which seemed to be getting easier), we reached our campsite.

Our campsite was in a nice, secluded location, away from everything and surrounded by trees. We were fortunate to have the luxury of wooden platforms on which we could pitch our tents. Our tents went up in less than an hour and then we started preparing our dinner. Of course, we could not help but realize how difficult this all would have been without Ms. Saunders’ guidance, preparation sessions, and her humour (mainly because we were all scared of burning ourselves using the stove!)

We woke up the next morning at 6:30 am to prepare our breakfasts, followed by a seven-hour hike. Although it was challenging, we felt satisfaction as we climbed over smooth rocks to see incredible views of the scenery around us. We had climbed so high that it was possible to see over other surrounding mountains! For as warm as we were during the hike, we quickly realized how freezing we were once we stopped at the summit. So … we quickly put on extra layers. (Thanks, Ms. Saunders, for teaching us to pack properly!)

We finally went back to our campsite and enjoyed the rest of our afternoon. We ate marshmallows roasted over a fire pit, and some chocolate as well. Our group continued talking, realizing that talking was not painful anymore, as we had all become very close friends.

We left the next morning feeling sad that it had all come to an end (and, personally, feeling really tired, mainly because I realized that I’m not in as good shape as I had thought!). All in all, I believe this was one of the best experiences that I have had at school this year, and I will certainly not forget it. I benefited so much from this trip: I bonded with many students that I don’t usually spend much time with, and I challenged myself to do something new.

On behalf of the “Survive or Die” crew, I would like to thank Ms. Saunders for making this trip possible. I would also like to thank our other supervisors, Mr. Murphy and M. Maurice.

We will most certainly be doing this again next year! – Andrew Vandenbussche ’19

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Des élèves de LCC se sont unis pour rendre une beauté aux rivages du Canal Lachine

Blog_Clean_LachineCanalChaque année, des milliers de Canadiens s’unissent pour lutter contre les déchets riverains, qui menacent gravement nos voies d’eau navigables, et prennent part au Grand nettoyage des rivages canadiens. Il s’agit d’une initiative de conservation de l’Aquarium de Vancouver et le WWF et du plus important programme de conservation par l’action directe au Canada.

De plus, un des piliers du Round Square est la protection et la prise de conscience de l’environnement, il est donc logique que nous soyons impliqués.

À ce jour, le Grand nettoyage des rivages a mobilisé plus de 500 000 Canadiens des quatre coins du pays pour contribuer à garder nos rivières, lacs et océans en santé pour les collectivités et les espèces sauvages qui en dépendent.

Un groupe d’élèves du Middle School de Lower Canada College a prêté main-forte à la lutte contre les déchets riverains en procédant au nettoyage du Canal Lachine entre Wellington et Charlevoix, le samedi 2 mai 2015 de 10h00 à 12h00.

Voici des exemples de ce que les élèves ont ramassé :

– Mégots de cigarettes (en grande quantité), bouchons de bouteille de bière, sacs en plastique sur les berges et dans le canal, portes manteaux, aérosols…

Voici quelques impressions des participants :

« J’ai du mal à comprendre comment, j’ai pu trouver un pot d’échappement de voiture au bord du canal! »

« C’était génial de pouvoir aider notre environnement de cette façon! The amount of trash accumulated in the canal was crazy! »

« J’étais contente d’être capable d’aider l’environnement et c’était amusant de le faire avec mes amis. »

“The Great Canadian Shoreline cleanup was a chance us to take care of the Lachine Canal’s waters and shores in the morning.”

« C’était une bonne expérience, où nous étions conscient des conséquences directes de ces déchets sur les océans. »

“I was very surprised about how much garbage was being thrown on the ground especially when the trash can was just a few feet away.”

« J’étais dégouté par tous les mégots de cigarette, de plastique et les nombreux autres déchets qui polluent la Terre. »

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Middle School Pride: Concert at Grace Dart

2014_15_MS_CommServ_Grace_Dart_018Samedi 24 janvier des étudiants du Middle School sont allés donner un concert dans une maison pour personnes agées. Un grand merci à Andrew Fata et M. Cox pour avoir supervisé le contenu du spectacle.


It was wonderful to see the expression on the elders faces. This experience reminded me of how wonderful it is to work with senior citizens. – Andrew Vandenbussche ’19

Samedi dernier, nous avons eu la chance de participer à un petit concert au Centre de soins prolongés pour personnes âgés de la résidence Grace Dart. Nous étions septs étudiants du Middle School, et nous pensons que nous avons bien joué. C’était une bonne expérience car nous avons vu comment les personnes très agées vivent. J’espère que notre concert a été bien apprécié par les résidents et que nous leur avons donné un peu de joie avec notre musique. – Anthony Fata ’18 et Andrew Fata ’19.


iPride Squad: A Busy Month!

2014_15_MS_iPride_Apple_School_009The iPride Squad was very busy during the month of October. We learned more about setting up our own Twitter accounts; so follow us @LCCiPride!

On Thursday, October 23, 2014, the iPride squad visited the Apple store where we learned more about the different applications available to us through the App Store. One of the apps we learned more about was Keynote. We learned how to add transitions to slides, add media, and many other cool features such as Instant Alpha. Instant Alpha is similar to Photoshop and it allows you to modify pictures, crop, etc. that you don’t want to show in your presentation.

At the end of our visit to the Apple Store, we received a USB bracelet, a nametag, and a shirt as a souvenir. The Apple Store was a lot of fun and we can’t wait to go back in the spring. After the visit, we even acquired new iPride Squad members! – Ella Waxman ’19

Le Middle School Pride échange des idées avec d’autres écoles du Round Square

GlenlyonOn Wednesday October 22, Jake Burnett, the Principal of the Middle School of Glenlyon Norfolk School in Victoria, BC, attended our Wednesday morning Middle School Pride meeting.  Mr. Burnett spoke to us regarding collaboration between the two Middle School leadership groups. We have planned a Skype conference in the coming weeks.

Durant la réunion précédente, nous avons aussi réalisé une courte vidéo pour communiquer avec l’école Westminster en Australie. Nous voulons échanger nos idées d’activités organisées et comment améliorer l’environnement des étudiants au Middle School. – Anthony Fata ’18

Last week, Jake Burnett, the Principal of the Middle School of Glenlyon Norfolk School in Victoria, BC came to our Middle School Pride meeting. Even though he was slightly jetlagged, he was very enthusiastic and outgoing. He sat in on our meeting and gave us constructive feedback.

Ceci fut une très bonne idée puisque cela nous a permis de crée une nouvelle connection avec une autre école. Nous avons partagé des idées avec lui. Nous espérons faire une vidéoconférence sur Skype dans le futur. – Abby Shine ’17