Round Square: A Sacred Experience, from Bogotá to Guatavita

blog_gardalcicThe Round Square conference in Bogotá, Columbia, has been such an amazing experience. Today, we had the chance to visit the beautiful town of Guatavita located very high in the mountains, one hour away from Bogotá. First, we visited the Guatavita Museum. There we learned all about the artwork and traditions of the native people who used to live there. Next, we went to the main square of the town to complete a fun scavenger hunt.

After going to a beautiful sailing club for lunch, we went on an afternoon hike up a mountain to see the lagoon of El Dorado. The view was breathtaking; the lagoon was almost perfectly round and surrounded on all sides by forest. We learned that the lagoon is filled with gold due to the traditions of the Muisca, who believed the lagoon was sacred. In all, the Round Square conference has been such an amazing experience and I am excited for new adventures to come. -Alexandra Gardilcic ’16, Round Square Participant

Round Square 2015: Building in Bogotá

unknownWe arrived in Bogotá on a chilly Friday afternoon. Greeted by familiar faces, the staff from Anglo Colombiano, I could not control my excitement about being back in this beautiful city. After a well-needed rest in our hotel, we went to the school to meet our host families and spend the rest of the afternoon with them.

Our second day began with a conference; we got to listen to Pedro Medina speak about the evolution of Colombia, which helped to dispel stereotypical views of the country. Next, we got to know our Barazza groups (basically, our advisory group or “homeroom” for the rest of the week) by playing name games and doing different activities. On the third day, we set off at 7:00 am to La Calera, which is situated just on the other side of a huge mountain. To put things in perspective, Bogotá is 2,640 metres above sea level and we trekked up to about 3,000 metres. Therefore, by the time we got to our destination, we were completely out of breath.

The plan for the day was simple. Change the reality of a family while changing our own perspectives by building a house. One floor, three rooms, for three young boys and their parents. We met and worked with the family throughout the day. They were overjoyed to see us helping to make their dream come true.

Still, building the house was confusing to us. Similar to the theme of the conference – magic realism – it really seemed as though magic was the only thing keeping the concrete blocks stable while we stacked them on top of each another – with no cement or anything that was really setting them in place. We worked from around 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, and then took a break for lunch, which was provided by the family. They made us a traditional Colombian soup, which had chicken, corn, potatoes, and other delicacies. Afterwards, it was back to work until 4:00 pm. Although the roof still had to go up (so we did not completely finish the house), we could see in the eyes of the family members how happy they were, as we kissed and hugged them goodbye. It wouldn’t take much to finish the house and the final walls stood strong.

Throughout the day, I could barely wrap my mind around the idea that our team could help improve the lives of a family all in one day. I was happy because not only was I able to participate in such a fulfilling experience, but I also got to know the family. I spoke to the mother about her life in La Calera and held her little niece while they prepared the soup. This is a day – and more importantly, a family – I will never forget. As I sit on the bus on the way to Guatavita, a lagoon, and yet another beautiful destination within the city, I know that there are many more memorable experiences ahead and I am looking forward to the rest of the week in Bogotá, Colombia, at the 2015 Round Square Conference of the Americas. – Mikaela Ludwick ’16, Round Square Participant

Student Exchange: Memories of Thailand

IMG_1781Sadly, my time in Thailand has come to an end, after six amazing weeks of being among newly made friends and in an exotic new country. I am writing this on the airplane heading back to Montreal, and as much as I want out (because of boredom), half of me wants to turn the plane around and head back to Thailand. I already miss a lot of the food, fruit, and customs of the country and of my exchange school, Regents International School Pattaya. Of course, life must go on, and I have to come back to Canada and readjust to the time zone and the ways here.

Two weeks ago, my roommate, Osman, left to help look after his grandmother. I can tell you, I was really sad to see him leave, even though I would see him in school the next day. He was the funniest guy I have ever met, and I was never bored with him. But, as I said, he left, and I roomed with another one of my friends, Jeenchai. Though not as funny, he was special and entertaining in his own way.

For two weekends, I was hosted by Osman because he had been staying with his grandmother. In the first week, his parents were visiting from Russia, so we went to see a couple of tourist places. On Friday, we saw a Chinese museum and the Pattaya Buddha Mountain. I also got to eat a coconut and lots of passion fruit. The next day, we went swimming in their pool and just relaxed. On Sunday, we went shopping and then I had to go back to school. The next weekend was a more relaxed weekend. We stayed inside a lot because it was one of the only times it rained while I was there. On Sunday, we went shopping for souvenirs because it was my last week there.

On my last day, and for the first time, I wore my LCC suit to school – all the other days I only needed to wear a shirt, pants, and shoes, because of the heat – and yes, I was sweating most of the day. I had to wear the uniform because I’d made a promise to someone that I’d wear it on the last day. At the end of the school day, after getting our grades for the term, everyone said goodbye to me. They were all upset that I was leaving, and they also said that I should’ve been there for the school Songkran (the Thai New Year) party the next day. I was told it was really fun, but sadly, I wasn’t going to be there. It was a very sad day. I got back to the boarding house and immediately started to pack, because I had to leave in seven hours and I’d barely packed. I took a break for dinner, and I’m glad I went, because it was the school Songkran dinner. It was a feast, and I can easily say that that was my favorite meal there. There were two appetizers, four main courses, an amazing dessert, and then lots of different fruit. I was challenged to eat a whole chili pepper, and I did. The next five minutes of my life was spent eating tons of fruit and breathing out sharply to get rid of the spice. It was a fun last experience in Thailand.

More quickly than I’d expected, my time to leave the school had come, and sadly, I walked down the same corridors I had walked down 100 times before to get around the school, but this time would be the last. As I got on the bus, I took one last look at the school that had become my home for the last six weeks of my life. I would miss it. I said goodbye to all the boarders and the staff who had welcomed me when I’d arrived, and then I left for the airport. After a total of twenty hours in the air, and three hours sitting in the airport, I am back in Montreal, welcomed by the thing that most of the people in Thailand have never seen, and the thing I haven’t seen in six weeks: snow. – Eli Samuel ’17, Exchange Student at Regents International School Pattaya


Ma quatrième semaine à Paris

Déjà ma 4ième semaine à Paris terminée! Je me sens finalement comme chez moi ici. Les activités que nous avons faites cette semaine étaient sublimes. Premièrement, mardi soir le 26 mars, ma famille d’accueil a décidé de me faire une petite surprise. En fait, pour moi c’était l’une des plus grandes surprises de ma vie, un évènement qui constituera ma meilleure expérience à Paris.

Ce soir-là, alors que je lisais mon livre d’anglais tranquillement, je reçois un appel de Marc Jablonski, le père. Avec une voix pressée et excitée, il me dit «Ryan! Habille-toi, on va visiter un musée!», sachant que je ne serais pas trop enthousiasmé par une sortie au musée. Marc préparait ainsi la surprise pour que ma réaction soit inoubliable. Et il a eu raison. Lorsque Marc m’a donné mon billet bleu, je suis resté bouche bée devant Le Stade de France remplie d’une foule incroyablement bruyante. J’allais vivre l’expérience d’un match de soccer, France contre Brésil avec 80 000 autres Parisiens. J’étais en manque de mots, ébahi et ne pouvant pas parler pendant 2 minutes. Même si on (je parle de la France bien entendu) a perdu 3-1, cette expérience a été fantastique et le jeu était excitant. J’ai tellement apprécié cette opportunité qui m’a été offerte, une expérience que je ne vais jamais oublier.

La deuxième activité qu’on a faite cette semaine était la visite d’une gallerie d’art au Grand Palais. Comme je l’ai mentionné avant, personnellement, je n’aime pas trop les musées ou les galleries. Mais d’abord, on parle du magnifique Grand Palais sur les Champs-Élysées, construit pour l’expo universelle de Paris en 1900. Ensuite, ce que j’ai vu dans cette gallerie a changé ma perception de l’art et éveillé mon intérêt. C’était une œuvre d’art, créée par Manuel Merida, un vénézuélien, qui s’appelle Cercle Bleu Outremer. Cette œuvre consistait en un grand cercle rempli de poudre de vitre, qui tourne très lentement, de sorte que ces fragments tombent lentement lorsque le cercle tourne graduellement.  J’ai immédiatement téléphoné à ma mère pour lui raconter ma découverte et la convaincre d’acheter l’œuvre!

En conclusion, ma quatrième semaine était évidemment un grand succès. Encore une fois, c’est incroyable de penser qu’il me reste seulement 2 semaines. Je suis devenu attaché à la ville de Paris et les gens qui habitent ici et je vais avoir de la difficulté à leur dire aurevoir.  – Ryan Garber ’17, Exchange Student at École alsacienne

Concours de Plaidoirie

_9990191Samedi 28 mars, les élèves du cours de droit (Sec. 4) ont participé à un concours de plaidoiries organisé par Juripop. Il y avait 12 procès simulés à travers le Québec. Nous avons gagné le nôtre. Rendez-vous pour les demi-finales le 18 avril à la Cour d’appel de Montréal.

Voici des commentaires des étudiants:


C’était notre deuxième procès simulé, cette fois contre une autre école qui s’appelle  St-Hyacinthe. Je pense que c’était un tout autre niveau cette fois-ci. On a beaucoup travaillé, dans une petite période de temps, merci aux avocates qui nous ont aidés. On peut voir la maturité et la différence entre nous comme avocat au début d’année et où on est rendu aujourd’hui. On était capable de gagner le premier procès et je suis vraiment excité pour les demi-finales! – Joshua Mindel ’16

Samedi matin j’ai participé à une compétition de procès simulé  contre une autre école. J’ai vraiment aimé cette opportunité, car c’était une chance de mettre tout ce que nous avons appris en classe en pratique. Je suis excité pour les demi-finales! – Ryan Hawa ’16

Mon expérience d’hier était très excitante et aussi stressante. J’ai vraiment appris beaucoup d’informations sur la manière dont un procès fonctionne et si le juge a un petit doute sur la situation, il ou elle doit acquitter l’accusé. J’aimerais remercier Maitre Benoit, Zorah et Laurence pour nous avoir donné leur temps et de venir nous aider. – Rebecca Ross ’16

Samedi, ma classe du droit est allée à l’Université de Montréal au département de droit pour prendre part à un procès simulé contre l’école St-Hyacinthe. Nous avons gagné notre procès qui était très animé et passionnant et nous sommes dans les demi-finales. – Christina Papageorgakopoulos ’16

Je voudrais commencer par remercier Mme.Benoit, Laurence et Zora, qui ont dédiées tellement de temps pour nous aider pendant ce procès. J’ai appris beaucoup de choses, et pratiqué des compétences qui vont m’aider dans le futur. Je suis très excité pour les demi-finales, et je suis beaucoup moins nerveux maintenant que pour les quart-de-finales. – Matthew Tabet ’16