An Eco Perspective

IMG_0242 copyA book by American scientist, Rachel Carson, entitled Silent Spring, was published in 1962 and literally changed the world. I always associate that book and its subsequent impact with the birth of the modern environmental movement. It identified significant health hazards for birds and humans resulting from the wide use of pesticides. Essentially, it laid the groundwork for the eventual banning of a harmful chemical called DDT. In the late 1960s, along with the anti-nuclear movement, the ecological movement became a political force for the first time.

In 1971, the private interest group Greenpeace was born in a kitchen in Vancouver, as was the new federal government agency, Environment Canada. That was one year after the USA created the EPA – the Environmental Protection Agency.

Over the past decade here at LCC, we have made a concerted effort as a community to be mindful of our environmental impact and be a more sustainable school. It begins with teaching about environmental responsibility and sustainable practices in various classes while simultaneously implementing sustainable practices in the operation of our facilities. This has ranged from installing high efficiency furnaces in the main school, a geothermal heating system in the new Assaly Arts building, to installing efficient lighting and taps and urinals in washrooms to save water. Our arena is now distinguished for its green technology that sets it apart from most other rinks in Montreal.

Even our turf field was put in two summers ago with sustainability in mind. No, it is not natural grass, but we first completed a detailed environmental impact analysis prior to deciding about its installation. The turf was actually deemed environmentally neutral by a respected environmental consultant. Yes, it’s an artificial product, but it has helped eliminate significant busing of students to the West Island for spring practices, and has massively reduced water and fertilizer requirements necessary with natural grass. In the end, we are operating a high-traffic outdoor facility. We have gained weeks of field time we didn’t have on the shoulder seasons of late fall and early spring, when grass is actually unusable.

I think that improving the state of our environment is an overwhelming question for many students. They get confused by the abstract nature of “environmentalism” and what that actually means. Some tend to wonder: “What can I do at the individual level to have any positive impact?”

It’s a good question. However, as Zia Tong, keynote speaker at the recent LCC Destiny Québec Conference and host of the national Science TV show Daily Planet noted, there is actually lots students can do. She asked student delegates to consider the ethical, moral, social, economic and environmental issues related to our throwaway culture. She urged us all to stop being what she called “suckers” for buying new things all the time – like phones – essentially just because they changed their shape, when our current phone works fine.

Yes, there’s a lot one can do to protect the environment. Where possible, choose locally- sourced food products that eliminate the impact of long distance travel and emissions, walk more, use public transit, limit showers to four minutes, use high efficiency light bulbs, buy eco-friendly products, and the list goes on and on. And, of course, we can try to live by the credo “reduce, reuse, recycle”. Simply commit to personal eco-practices that diminish harmful impact on our environment, one person at a time.

My thanks to Math teacher and “eco-warrior” Ms. Scattolin and the student Green Team for educating us and advocating for green practices in our community. Thanks also to all teachers who address sustainability in a creative way in the classroom. Yes, here at LCC we do some things well on the sustainability front, but by making thoughtful choices, we can always do better.

The older I get, and the more I travel outside of Canada where environmental degradation is often more visible and pressing, the more I feel thankful for the natural beauty and extraordinary, unspoiled resources we have in this blessed country. Let’s all commit to respect, steward and protect our environment. It’s our only planet and it is, indeed, very precious!

Christopher Shannon

The Unfair Four

palm oilThere seem to be certain issues that get pushed aside by the media and most of the world because they are deemed to be not as important as everything we do see on the news, however, they are very important to me. This is all in regards to the unjust treatment of non-humans. While I have chosen only four items to speak about, it is important to keep in mind that there are so many more which need attention as well.

Firstly, there is the issue of shark fin soup. Shark fin soup is a delicacy in China and a few other Asian countries, made by using the fins of sharks. An estimated 100 million sharks are killed per year for shark fin soup, and, in reality, the fins actually don’t add any flavour to the soup, but considering that a bowl costs upwards of $100, it is a huge money making industry that has no plan in stopping anytime soon. Unfortunately, for the longest time sharks were the face of beasts and killers, which makes it harder to get people to agree to save them. But considering the ratio of 100 million sharks we kill vs. the less than one human that they kill per year, I’d say it’s time for their image to change.

Secondly, there is the issue of palm oil. Big producers of palm oil destroy rainforests and the natural habitats of animals like elephants, orangutans, tigers, and rhinos. Not only does it destroy their homes but it can also seriously injure them since one of the methods used to gather palm oil is by burning the trees. In fact, one of the top producers of modified palm oil is the brand Nutella. However, palm oil isn’t only found in food but also in products like creams, soaps, shampoo, and many others. So, in the future, check the list of ingredients of a product and if you read “Modified Palm Oil”, take a moment to consider whether it’s really worth it.

Thirdly, I’m sure that nearly everybody has been to a zoo before, and maybe even got the chance to pet a lion or a tiger, either an adult or perhaps a cub. However, most people aren’t aware that those poor animals were actually drugged. Sometimes to make them fully unconscious, but most of the time just to make them a little bit calmer than they should be, because to the zoo workers the only well-being that matters is that of the people who are paying. Also, most zoos really don’t care about their animals since an animal like a polar bear, that should be living in the snow at negative temperatures, is currently living in San Diego, baking in the sun.

Finally, I think that most people have heard of the controversy at SeaWorld. Recently, ex-SeaWorld trainers began speaking out about what really happens within the walls once the spectators leave. Orcas are actually very similar to humans in the way that their brains function and that their bodies and health need to be maintained. Long story short, the whales were being kept in dirty, small enclosures, which damaged their bodies and even drove some to the point of insanity where they would try, and sometimes succeed, to commit suicide by ramming themselves into the metal walls. Females are forced to breed, only to have their babies taken away from them right after birth and moved to another park thousands of miles away. In the wild, Orcas usually live until about 50 or 60 years old, when they usually die of old age. In captivity, orcas very rarely make it past their teens, and none have ever died of old age. This past week, an 18 year old female orca named Unna died at SeaWorld San Antonio after “contracting a harmful strain of fungus”, which was due to poor living conditions. Campaigns like #emptythetanks and #thanksbutnotanks have been popping up all over the place, and you can do your part by taking part in the movement, and also by informing yourself more by watching BlackFish, which was the first push made by ex-trainers when they began speaking out, and it is really an amazing film. Also, try to inform others and make sure that they don’t buy a ticket.

There are a few people or small organizations that inspired me the most to make changes in my everyday life to help these beings. The one that influenced me the most is Keiko Conservation. Their main goal is to spread awareness, and they are so inspiring to me because they are three young girls from different places in the world who are actually making a huge difference and shining light on so many things most people don’t even know are happening. Black Jaguar White Tiger is a sanctuary in Mexico where they take in felines from zoos and circuses that have been mistreated. Third is Shark Addicts, from Jupiter Florida, and they go down into the ocean everyday to take hooks out of the mouths of sharks that people tried to fish. I love what they do because they have really helped changed the image of sharks to a species that desperately needs our protection.

On top of the ones that I mentioned, there is so much more that occurs everyday regarding beings other than humans that we could try to help end. Sadly, it would be nearly impossible for a small group of people who care to stop the Japanese dolphin slaughter or save rhinos from poachers, but we can all start with small things, like throwing your trash out so that it doesn’t end up in the ocean, or simply by cutting down your meat intake. Another great thing to do is to check out, where you can subscribe to them to get updates not only about animals but about plenty of occurrences around the world that aren’t featured in the media, and that with your signature you can help end.

Thanks for reading! I hope that I have brought awareness to these important issues and that you can help me and the thousands of other people in speaking for those without a voice. – Alyssa Obrand ’16


Blog_COP21_SolarPanels_Pic_27Nov2015I was driving along highway 401 on the recent mid-term weekend. At Ingleside, Ontario we passed a large solar panel farm on the south side of the road. It’s an impressive facility that is situated on previously underused land, close to the Ontario Hydro power grid. It opened last spring and covers 100 acres. Forty-three thousand solar panels cover the land and provide enough electricity to power 1,800 homes (16.8 gigawats/hour). The private company is now looking for other similar opportunities in Ontario.

I was impressed by this facility. A quick look online also revealed that much larger solar parks are becoming quite prevalent across the world, especially in sunnier climates.

The largest are in California’s deserts. Whereas the solar farm I saw near the 401 had 43,000 panels on 100 acres of land, the largest solar farms in California are mammoth – with 1.7 million solar panels over 13 square kilometers. Impressively, a single such facility powers close to 150-thousand homes. Other parks use large mirrors that generate heat – another innovation that channels abundant natural energy available from the sun.

Solar parks of this size are also now emerging in India, Pakistan, China, along with smaller but significant projects across Europe.

So on the eve of the global UN environment conference in Paris – COP 21 – I think we should all investigate the growing application of renewable energy – solar, wind and other natural initiatives such as wave power. They are now becoming significant elements of countries’ national energy infrastructures and priorities. Let’s hope that innovation will continue to present new alternatives and help us to meaningfully diminish our dependence on fossil fuels. – Chris Shannon, Headmaster

Le grand nettoyage des rivages canadiens

IMG_3544Chaque année, des milliers de Canadiens s’unissent pour lutter contre les déchets riverains, qui menacent gravement nos voies d’eau navigables, et prennent part au Grand nettoyage des rivages canadiens. Il s’agit d’une initiative de conservation de l’Aquarium de Vancouver et le WWF et du plus important programme de conservation par l’action directe au Canada. Cette année, nous avons eu un soutien logistique d’un organisme
local : Pro-Vert Sud-Ouest. Nous tenons à les remercier.

De plus, un des piliers du Round Square est la protection et la prise de conscience de l’environnement, il est donc logique que nous soyons impliqués.

Malgré la pluie, la neige et le froid, un groupe d’élèves du Middle School a prêté mainforte à la lutte contre les déchets riverains en procédant au nettoyage du Canal Lachine entre Wellington et Charlevoix, le samedi 17 octobre 2015 de 9h30 à 12h30.

Voici des exemples de ce que les élèves ont ramassé :

– Mégots de cigarettes (en grande quantité), bouchons de bouteille de bière, sacs en plastique sur les berges et dans le canal, bouteilles …

Voici quelques impressions des participants :

« Je pense que c’est surprenant que tout le monde jette les déchets par terre. »

« It was hard to spot cigarettes amongst the leaves on the ground. I think I have become accustomed to seeing them on the ground. »

« j’ai trouvé qu’il y a beaucoup de personnes qui ne s’occupent pas des déchets. »

« J’étais surpris qu’il y avait beaucoup de mégots de cigarettes et que beaucoup de personnes jettent leurs déchets dans le parc. »

« I was really amazed at what people put on the ground without realizing that they shouldn’t do that. »

« L’expérience a été très amusante et j’ai été très surpris de trouver plusieurs choses qu’on n’aurait pas pensé trouver dans le Canal Lachine, comme une bouteille de whisky. »

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Des élèves de LCC se sont unis pour rendre une beauté aux rivages du Canal Lachine

Blog_Clean_LachineCanalChaque année, des milliers de Canadiens s’unissent pour lutter contre les déchets riverains, qui menacent gravement nos voies d’eau navigables, et prennent part au Grand nettoyage des rivages canadiens. Il s’agit d’une initiative de conservation de l’Aquarium de Vancouver et le WWF et du plus important programme de conservation par l’action directe au Canada.

De plus, un des piliers du Round Square est la protection et la prise de conscience de l’environnement, il est donc logique que nous soyons impliqués.

À ce jour, le Grand nettoyage des rivages a mobilisé plus de 500 000 Canadiens des quatre coins du pays pour contribuer à garder nos rivières, lacs et océans en santé pour les collectivités et les espèces sauvages qui en dépendent.

Un groupe d’élèves du Middle School de Lower Canada College a prêté main-forte à la lutte contre les déchets riverains en procédant au nettoyage du Canal Lachine entre Wellington et Charlevoix, le samedi 2 mai 2015 de 10h00 à 12h00.

Voici des exemples de ce que les élèves ont ramassé :

– Mégots de cigarettes (en grande quantité), bouchons de bouteille de bière, sacs en plastique sur les berges et dans le canal, portes manteaux, aérosols…

Voici quelques impressions des participants :

« J’ai du mal à comprendre comment, j’ai pu trouver un pot d’échappement de voiture au bord du canal! »

« C’était génial de pouvoir aider notre environnement de cette façon! The amount of trash accumulated in the canal was crazy! »

« J’étais contente d’être capable d’aider l’environnement et c’était amusant de le faire avec mes amis. »

“The Great Canadian Shoreline cleanup was a chance us to take care of the Lachine Canal’s waters and shores in the morning.”

« C’était une bonne expérience, où nous étions conscient des conséquences directes de ces déchets sur les océans. »

“I was very surprised about how much garbage was being thrown on the ground especially when the trash can was just a few feet away.”

« J’étais dégouté par tous les mégots de cigarette, de plastique et les nombreux autres déchets qui polluent la Terre. »

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